
宮崎駿氏が3億円出資 沖縄・久米島に子ども交流施設 Hayao Miyazaki Gives 300 Million Yen to Build Kids’ Area in Park

Hayao Miyazaki Gives 300 Million Yen to Build Kids’ Area in Park

沖縄タイムスで報じられたところによると、宮崎駿さんが3億円を出資して、久米島に子供たちの交流施設を創設する予定とのこと。「となりのトトロ」 などで 知られるアニメ映画監督の宮崎駿氏が、久米島町の銭田森林公園に「子どもたち向けの交流拠点施設」の建設を進めていることが24日、分かった。

コ ンセプトは「島の豊かな自然に触れ合える広い場所を」とのこと。子供たちにも自然にも優しい場所を作るようです。「ジブリーランド」ではないようです が、巨大テーマパークより断然こちらの方がいい! 町は、銭田森林公園の一部約1万平方メートルを提供。宮崎氏は、総事業費3億円をかけて施設を建設し、町に寄贈する。建物は、約30人の受け入れができる 2階建てで、延べ床面積約1千平方メートル。今後、住民との話し合いの場を定期的に開き、できるかぎり事業計画に意見を取り入れるという。

Anime director and Studio Ghibli co-founder Hayao Miyazaki donated 300 million yen (around US$2.4 million) to the town of Kumejima, Okinawa for the construction of an “Interaction Center for Children” in the town’s Zenda Forest Park.

The facility will include a two-story, 1,000-square-meter building. The town has allotted 10,000 square meters of the Zenda Forest Park for the project. The project will solicit opinions and suggestions for the project from the town’s citizens on a regular basis.

Future construction site

出典:plaza.rakuten.co.jp 施設が建設予定の「銭田森林公園」。Zenda Forest Park


「沖縄・球美の里」は2012年7月、フォトジャーナリストで月刊誌DAYS JAPANの編集長だった広河隆一(現DAYS JAPAN発行人)が中心となり、沖縄県の久米島に設立した福島の子どもたちのための保養施設です。

Miyazaki is no stranger to Kumejima as he is 
supporting the endeavors of Ryuichi Hirokawa, former Journalist of Days Japan and chairman of NPO Kumi No Sato, who is managing a facility built on the island and which is hosting Children of Fukushima as part of a recuperation program. The facility is intended for families and children, who were displaced from Fukushima, to be outdoors; due to the ongoing radiation contamination. 

広河隆一 沖縄・球美の里
Ryuichi Hirokawa – Kumi No Sato


This village accommodates Fukushima children and parents who are affected by the Daiichi catastrophe for 10 days. The purpose of this village is “recreation”. The time spent there reacquaints the victims with a clean environment, the joy of outdoors activities, strengthen their immune system and – as important – pull them away from constant worries about radiation exposure. Children are surrounded by the rich nature of Kume Island.




The facility has been operating since July 2012 . By Mid 2014, over 900 people have been participating . The operation is supported by generous donations and fund raising. It was launched by photo journalist , Ryuichi Hirokawa. With help of donations, he provided radiation measuring equipment to various NPO’s and associations in Fukushima, immediately after the accident.


I went to report on the Chernobyl site, three years after. I have witnessed people who suffered from consequences of this accident and the need for recuperation initiatives became evident.





Translated by Nelson Live from Lalaland

知ることがまず一歩です Knowledge is the first step
私たちは諦めない We will not give up

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