
アカデミーキャンプより クラウドファンディングサイトにて寄付呼びかけ中!

(学生たちが関わりながら、福島の子どもたちの保養&学び活動を長く続けている「アカデミーキャンプ」。昨年夏には、伊達市の子どもたちと「動く英語教室」を実現してくださいました。クラウドファンディングの呼びかけが海外向けに展開されています。ぜひシェアで広がり、海外のみなさまにも届きますように。 子ども全国ネット)


アカデミーキャンプ http://academy-camp.org/ では、

米国・英国のクラウドファンディングサイト GlobalGiving にて、ご寄付を募集しております。クレジットカードや PayPal をご利用できます。

GlobalGiving UK (英国) では、日本時間の 10月26日(月) 23:00 から 1週間、用意された £7,500 の資金が尽きるまでの間、おひとり様 £50 (約9,000円) までのご寄付に 50% が上乗せされる "Little by Little by Little" キャンペーンを開催しています。

School Of Fun For Children In Fukushima


Many children in Fukushima, Japan, are affected by the fear of health risks from radioactivity having been released in the air by the nuclear disaster since March 2011. We conduct a series of outdoor/indoor camps to give such children what they miss and more: playing and learning opportunities in an extreme fashion, with university professors, corporate researchers, artists, athletes and other professionals, assisted by university students as elder friends of the children.

What is the issue, problem, or challenge?

Many parents in Fukushima have been reluctant to let their children play outside, because of uncertain health risks of radioactivity. The uncertainty leads to differences in opinions, which in turn often lead to discords within families and communities. Healthy growth of children is at risk. Studies show slight decrease in physical strength of elementary school students and large increase in child abuse (75.8% more in 2012) in Fukushima, presumably caused by the limited activities and discords.

How will this project solve this problem?

We provide what those children and their families need: diversity of experiences and lots of fun. We bring about 40 elementary, junior high or high school students at a time to areas with lower radiation levels, to conduct a series of camps during vacations (5-day camps in summer and winter) and weekends (almost monthly), packed with playing, learning and team-building facilitated by professionals in a variety of fields. We also promote communication among parents of participating children.

Potential Long Term Impact

Fundamentally, problems lie in the political and economic gap between Tohoku region including Fukushima and Tokyo metropolitan area, which brought nuclear power plants to the region to begin with. Our camps are intended to bring up young leaders in Tohoku, and at the same time to increase the number of concerned people in the metropolitan area by recruiting our volunteers there. We expect to continue our camps for many years, estimating that a total of over 20,000 children will be benefited.

Funding Information

Total Funding Received to Date: £66,915
Remaining Goal to be Funded: £14,485
Total Funding Goal: £81,400
Additional Documentation
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).

ResourcesThe official web site of Academy Camp
The official Facebook page in English

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